Interactive Clown Nose for VRC
Interactive Clown Nose
VRCFury Install
RNG Honks- 2 Normal honk sounds & 2 Rare honk sounds when touched
When pulled particles shoot out and a sound plays on release
Color Wheel for customization
Install steps- also a video on the preview page
1, Import VRCFury
2. Import Interactive Clown Nose.unitypackage
3. Go to the !!! Clown Nose Folder and drag the Clown Nose Rigged Prefab onto your avatar in the Hierarchy
4. Move the Clown Nose Rigged Prefab onto your deserved spot on your head
5. Upload VRCFury will take care of the rest
Something that might be a issue for you. Particles shoot out when you first spawn from the nose I couldn't find a way to make it not happen with the way I intended the nose retract to work but you can toggle the particles off in the menu if you don't like them.
You can use this on public/private free or for sale models just don't sell it by it's self please.
If you have any problems or need help ask me on Discord:Yubeloid
Unity package & Blend File